Bereavement Support Packs delivered to UHCW

Last week, we delivered another set of Bereavement Support Packs. This time they have been donated to the palliative care ward and children's ward at UHCW.

Lisbeth Bakewell (Operations Manager) delivers Bereavement Support Packs to UHCW staff

We have three different packs available, tailored for pre-school children, primary school children, and teenagers.

Example Bereavement Support Pack

Our packs include a HappySelf Journal for writing/drawing their thoughts and feelings, an age appropriate bereavement-themed book, activity sheets and colouring pencils, a fidget toy and Buddy Bear himself. We have also provided information and guidance to parents and the hospital staff as we know how tricky conversations around death and dying can be.

We would like to thank Intercity Technology for their generous donation for this project, and we are really looking forward to hearing about the difference the packs will make to our local community .

The team at Codemasters who volunteered their time to put together 60 Bereavement Support Packs

Thanks also to the team at Codemasters who kindly volutneered their time to put the packs together for us in December.

Each pack is donated for free, and this is made possible by the fabulous donations from the likes of Leamington Spa Rotary, Intercity Technology, and from you.

If you would like to make sure that there’s a Bereavement Support Pack in your local hospital, ready for a child or young perosn to use when the time arises, you can make a donation here.

Each pack costs around £35 to produce, and has been carefully curated to make sure it includes everything a family experiencing the death of a loved one may need in that moment.


Guy's Gift opening hours New Year 2024/25